Kita biasa dengar orang kata, “kita adalah apa yang kita fikirkan”. Ungkapan ini memang benar dan ia berkait rapat dengan kuasa minda separa sedar, atau minda di bawah sedar atau istilah barunya minda segar, masing-masing. Minda di bawah sedar ini sebenarnya adalah enjin penggerak yang seakan-akan memberi kuasa kepada minda dan pemikiran untuk mencapai sesuatu hasrat atau impian. Apa-apa yang didengar, dilihat, difikirkan atau dipelajari, jika selalu diulang-ulang ia akan terus tersimpan di dalam minda separa sedar. Sekali sudah tersimpan ia tidak akan terpadam, boleh dikeluarkan atau diluahkan kadang-kadang secara tak disedari.
Ahli psikologi telah menggariskan beberapa teknik untuk menggunakan kuasa minda di bawah sedar ini untuk kejayaan seseorang. Di antaranya ialah dengan berkata kepada diri sendiri berulang-ulang kali perkara yang hendak disimpan dalam minda di bawah sedar ini, pada waktu pagi, petang dan sebelum terlena; dengan cara visualisasi (membayangkan dengan jelas) apa yang hendak dicapai; disertai dengan kemahuan atau emosi yang kuat untuk mencapai sesuatu itu. Semua ini akan terpahat (direkodkan) dalam minda di bawah sedar.
Artikel ringkas yang berkaitan boleh dibaca di bawah ini….
How to Activate Your Subconscious Power
If you understand your subconscious power, you will do two things. Make your subconscious mind believes that you are experiencing and feeling everything positive about life. You do this by “acting as if” and creating the images that you want to happen in your life.
Next, you direct the subconscious to move toward where you are heading or wanting to achieve. You create clear goals, think about them all the time and affirm them. The intelligence within will show you the solutions and provide you with ideas to make your dreams become reality.
Believe in its power
You have to start believing that whatever you think about and believe is accepted by your subconscious. Once you form this belief, you can start to stimulate it with ideas and suggestions to allow it to attract the events you wish to experience and people you want to meet.
Have control over your conscious thoughts
All assumptions and beliefs start with conscious thoughts. Once you consciously keep thinking about the same thing over and over again, it becomes habitual. You no longer need to think about it for your subconscious to deliver your behavior or emotions.
In order to change those thoughts that may have developed some of your thinking patterns and bad habits, you have to deliberately think new empowering thoughts. You have to develop the discipline to cancel and delete the negative and replace with new ones to give the subconscious a different direction to follow.
Focus your attention
You mind is always attending to something. Therefore in order to get what you want to achieve, you need to develop razor sharp focus. Only think about what you want. Thinking about your goals by visualizing and affirming them through pictures and words will activate your subconscious.
Pay attention to your language. What you say to yourself and your assumptions about the meanings people are telling you affect your thinking and feeling.
Repeat your instructions and make them vivid and specific
Repeated affirmations through words and visualizations are commands and instructions to your brain. Bombard your subconscious by repeating out loud or quietly to yourself what it is that you want to see in your reality.
If you have been trying hard and have not achieved success through this method, try using subliminal messages and images. It is a tool to help you change your mind about yourself and your life without having the subconscious resisting. Click for a free MindMaster trial.
Powerful emotions fuel your desires and stimulate your subconscious power to deliver to you the results through your actions.
You now have a choice. To use your subconscious power to change your behavior and your life or let it run around as it always has.